Bye-bye gatekeepers: how Parrade opens doors for online sellers

Oct 12, 2023

Hey brand owners and online sellers!

Have you ever felt that breaking into physical retail spaces is like trying to crack open a safe? Are those gatekeepers - the large retail chains and distribution partners - asking for an in or deep pockets?

Maybe you're having your best year ever on Amazon. And yet, you find yourself puzzled over how to leap into real-world retail.

The Good Ol' Barriers

The gatekeepers hold all the keys, and the upfront costs are steep. Want to secure shelf space in a big box store? Brace yourself for fees, crazy complex agreements, and more vetting than Uncle Sam.

Then you have a brilliant idea: pop-up shops! Conceptually, cool. Trendy? Sure. IG-worthy? Definitely! But cool has its price (hint: steep!) and is not scalable.

So...if traditional retail and pop-ups aren't the answer, what is? Enter Parrade.

Parrade upends the game

Imagine your products showcased in high-traffic locations - with zero hassle.

Parrade was born out of the frustration of an online seller. We're democratizing and decentralizing space. Say goodbye to the barriers that have traditionally kept awesome products, like yours, out of physical retail.

In our world, any space can become a retail space - you can meet your ideal customers in the places they already frequent! Cafes, gyms, co-working spots - you name it.

Seamlessly scalable

We seamlessly merge the convenience of online shopping with the sensory-rich experience of exploring products in person. With Parrade, you find spaces to display your products, and the leasing process is as simple as booking a short-term rental. No more jumping through hoops or hefty upfront costs to bear.

And with flexible lease terms and unlimited leases, you are in control. You can affordably run A/B tests to find your ideal customer base. Or you can simultaneously roll out new products across multiple markets.

No more gatekeepers

With Parrade, you get direct access to locations eager to showcase your products. You no longer have to negotiate with gatekeepers to place your products in physical spaces.

And Parrade also helps you build and design the perfect showcase for your products.

A launchpad for new sellers

If you're a new seller, Parrade is your springboard into the world of retail. Parrade allows you to dip your toes without fronting a significant investment.

Imagine validating your new products in real-time with real people. All while managing your risk.

I'm sold! Now what?

We are putting the power back in the hands of online sellers. As of October 2023, we are building our platform. We'll soon be ready to welcome you. We'd love for you to be a part of this journey.

Sign up for our waitlist to be the first to turn your online brand into an offline sensation.