Webrooming, Showrooming, and the Future of Retail

Nov 2, 2023

The digital age has revolutionized how we shop. But with this revolution comes new challenges and opportunities. Retailers face new phenomena like webrooming and showrooming.

But what exactly are these terms?

Show what? Rooming?

Showrooming is when shoppers browse products in physical stores but purchase online. In many cases, shoppers find lower prices. Retailers fear this habit because they are a showroom for products that often get purchased through online retailers that can offer more competitive pricing.

Webrooming is when shoppers discover products online and then visit a brick-and-mortar store to test and purchase products.

Parrade meets shoppers wherever they're at

We turn any space into a retail experience. Think of your local cafe. Picture its shelves stocked with interesting products to explore. Want to try one? Go ahead. Love it? Just scan the QR code on display. Purchase it online in a snap. At Parrade, we don't just accommodate showrooming. We embrace it.

Rather than letting shoppers find competing products, our patented showcase design system attracts more shoppers by presenting them with a QR code that leads directly to the seller's preferred sales channel.

At the opposite end of the shopping journey, parrade.com will soon let sellers highlight locally available products. Shoppers can then use parrade.com to locate and try these products in person before buying. We help shoppers webroom at a scale never before seen. Any brand or seller can use Parrade to assist shoppers in making purchase decisions.

Regardless of where a purchase decision begins - at a showcase or online, Parrade offers a seamless retail experience. And unlike traditional retail models, Parrade helps non-retail businesses transform any location into an experiential retail destination.

Embracing the convergence

Picture this: a world where that online shopping cart you abandoned comes to life just around the corner in your local cafe. That's the power of a converged shopping experience.

What's more - a digitally-powered online-to-offline experience offers ample opportunities for data intelligence and product testing.

Imagine the possibilities if you could test new product ideas in real-time, in real places. How would that transform your marketing strategies?

The future is seamless

The lines between online and offline shopping are becoming increasingly blurred. When we say "seamless," we're talking about effortlessly integrating the digital exploration of products with the tangible experience of shopping in person.

Shoppers crave the flexibility to bounce between online and offline shopping. With Parrade, we're not just adapting to the future; we're shaping it. We're bridging the digital and physical realms like never before.


The retail industry is at an inflection point. The changes brought upon the market by technology now offer small brands and sellers the opportunity to put their products in front of attentive shopping audiences.

At Parrade, we believe in leveling the playing field. Now, small brands can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with giants, and local businesses can harness their spaces in novel ways.

Ready to shape the future of retail? Join us as we redefine shopping for the digital age.